Articles submitted must be the final copy, fully edited and proofed for grammar and concept with zero errors.
Articles must be original and must not have been published previously or be under consideration by another publication.
Articles should be a minimum of 1,000 words.
Advertorial, commercial or promotional articles will not be accepted. While we appreciate cutting-edge articles on topics featuring new ideas and concepts, our readers wish to be educated, not sold. Articles cannot be an advertisement, promotional material, press release or include excessive self-promotion. Only articles that are educational and informative in nature will be considered.
You may include a 100-word bio with your article where you can include a company bio. Please include the company/personal bio at the end of the article (it will however be on the author's personal page, NOT in the article itself). DO NOT send a separate document with a bio or resume.
Include a high-quality digital picture [headshot] no smaller than 500x500 px when you submit your article along with your name and title.